
Showing posts with the label Final Production

Final Production

Image My group and I had a few setbacks during our filming stage. Blanflore and Miloura weren't really able to meet me at the park anything. Man this stupid Corona is getting on my nerves. We also changed a few things about our film opening. On the first try with our film, we were focusing on the parent's deaths. We wanted to record objects and people that had to do with our film sequentially, but I guess it didn't make sense. Also, no one was going to be able to tell us what the film is actually about. We also wanted to film everything during the day but my new cast couldn't meet at night. What I mean by new cast is, I got different actors since my main ones couldn't make it and we need to get this film done we have no time to waste. So, piggyback on what I said about the parent's deaths being the main focus well we changed that and made the teen's deaths the main focus. To be honest they were the main characters so that probably sh...

Creative Critical Reflection Hi everyone, this is Adreana McEachrane one of the creators of “tricks are for kids”, and welcome to my creative critical reflection. Today I will be explaining my film in detail with questions I have been asked. The first question is how my project relates to genre conventions . The genre of my film is horror to be specific teen horror. My title sequence challenges the genre convention because it is aligned and on beat with the music we have picked for the film. The design of the words looks scary like and by hearing and visualizing the opening you should be able to tell it’s a horror film. We were choosing between a whole bunch of fonts that had to do with horror and the one we picked we thought would look best with our film. Mise-en-scene also challenges our genre convention because the props we used such as the bear was part of the horror film because what bear isn’t scary if its covered in bandages. The clothing was to be dressed like a teen and teen...

Rough Cut

 Our film has continuity. In the beginning, I think continuity can be improved by putting the shots right so it matches the music and transitions.  I mean we tried to get the shots to be as dark and scary as possible, but I think when we add the credits it might the viewers understand that it is a horror film. Yes, I think it's an opening. I am really surprised and happy with how it turned out because I was able to match the sound with the shots which I thought was really cool. I feel like we should have added more scary things and maybe changed the music because I'm kinda feeling like the music is too much o an action film than a horror one.  I think that when we add the credits to the film and when they see the name of our title they would guess it's a horror film. This area could be improved maybe with a better sound and scarier shots. I need to improve editing and sound