
Showing posts from March 7, 2021

Creative Critical Reflection Hi everyone, this is Adreana McEachrane one of the creators of “tricks are for kids”, and welcome to my creative critical reflection. Today I will be explaining my film in detail with questions I have been asked. The first question is how my project relates to genre conventions . The genre of my film is horror to be specific teen horror. My title sequence challenges the genre convention because it is aligned and on beat with the music we have picked for the film. The design of the words looks scary like and by hearing and visualizing the opening you should be able to tell it’s a horror film. We were choosing between a whole bunch of fonts that had to do with horror and the one we picked we thought would look best with our film. Mise-en-scene also challenges our genre convention because the props we used such as the bear was part of the horror film because what bear isn’t scary if its covered in bandages. The clothing was to be dressed like a teen and teen